We all speak about the necessity of change: changing ourselves, changing our eating habits, changing how we treat nature and the planet. However, there is another very tricky aspect of change that we should not omit and for which we do not yet have a clear perspective: The change of our attitude towards money and business.
Initiated by scientists, we realize more and more that we live in a quantum world, a reality that is not defined by matter, but rather by energy. This discovery allows us to understand and eventually experience that everything is interconnected and can eventually be a conduit to the way we conduct business.
When do we speak about energy in the human context? When are we energetic? Isn’t it when we are passionate and enthusiastic, when we love something or somebody, when we truly enjoy life?
How does business work in a quantum world?
We can see that we are moving into the quantum world of business when more and more consumers are attracted to brands that deliver the emotional value of doing good.
What then are the driving forces of such a company? Can it be they are able to tap into emotions like passion, good values and even love? What about a business that is driven by these emotions?
When the “old” materialistic way of doing business is based on logic, figures, and percentages, can we instead trust our hearts, our passion, our business partners and ourselves in the “new” quantum way of doing business?
Can we permit ourselves to be driven by joy, enthusiasm, common goals and common aspirations? These values based on energy, fueled by emotion, are what propel the quantum economy forward. This, quite honestly, is the change that begs to be explored and embraced, and ultimately become the foundation for success in our world.
Join us on this exploration with leaders and innovators who have already created this monumental shift in their companies, in their communities and in their personal lives.
The HEALING SUMMIT 2020 returns to the magnificent Pine Cliffs Resort location in Portugal, which stimulates our senses, engages our minds, and opens our hearts.