Investments and power often remain in the wrong hands, whereas good businesses have increasingly become a synonym for charity. Why do industries that really improve people’s lives have to struggle with gaining their well-deserved rewards in the economy while the oil industry makes millions?
The HEALING SUMMIT 2018 in Berlin was a great event to exchange inspiring thoughts with a community that is committed to healing and ready for transformative change in doing soulful business while being successful in monetary terms. If you take a closer look at the economy, you will realize that it is predominately driven by big companies, being solely focused on sheer profit increase and allocating precious resources to the wrong recipients. Furthermore, people seem to have accepted the differentiation between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ businesses: Investments and power often remain in the wrong hands, whereas good businesses have increasingly become a synonym for charity.
At the HEALING SUMMIT 2018, Catherine Parrish, Joy Menzies and other inspiring speakers gave thought-provoking speeches by referring to the definition of value in the economy. When it comes to gold, diamonds and oil, no one ever questions why people have to pay for these goods. It is simply perceived as ‘normal’ in society, given that everything – being rare and precious – has its estimated price. Sadly, many people fail to recall that their overall wellbeing is the most precious good. Therefore, doing meaningful business has to be financially valued. Otherwise, it will lose its worth in the modern economy and the term ‘business’ is consequently a contradiction itself: Doing business is an exchange of goods and services. Hence, if not prized, where is the value?
Moreover, in a monetized economy, a competitive position, that is necessary for transformative change, can only be obtained by being at eye level with big companies and market players. Where do people find soulful businesses, giving visionary market players an incentive to follow this new path? At the HEALING SUMMIT 2018 many wonderful companies that have transformed their visions for better economy into reality were present and shared their stories of success with like-minded people. The President of Fischer Travel, Stacy Fischer-Rosenthal, is undoubtedly worth mentioning when it comes to analyzing key success factors for a soulful business in a monetized economy. A company whose valuable services have been recognized by high-class clients that are willing to pay appropriate membership fees for outstanding services, especially when bearing in mind how precious physical and mental wellbeing for everyone is.
Stacy Fischer-Rosenthal is a successful entrepreneur from New York who knows about the importance of HEALING, especially since she has experienced serious health issues herself. Additionally, her personal background has marked her as a business woman and her company: ‘My company is a second-generation business founded by my father (…) He is a visionary and he taught me how to imagine the impossible and make it happen (…) I have successfully battled breast cancer. It only furthers my resolve to embrace wellness and to live each day with gratitude and to live it to the fullest.’ Her key to long-lasting success and growth is maintaining a truly soulful connection to her clients and exceeding common services: ‘We have 24/7 access to our clients. We can make anything happen anywhere at any time (…) Our clients have confidence in us, and our ability to be trusted with their most precious assets – themselves and their families.’ When thinking about the value of soulful interpersonal relationships with clients, it is easy to reason an adequate monetary compensation: ‘We want to build a lasting relationship with clients. We have a huge database with contacts all over the world. We need to be compensated for that access and knowledge.’
Fischer Travel is a wonderful example of a company doing sustainable business with a profound and meaningful cause while being successful in a monetized economy: A market player that is not ‘spoilt’- but pushed forward towards a truly soulful economy by financial investments.