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The Extraordinary Power of Your Heart

My heart has been my best ally and my biggest challenge at the same time. I was told at a very young age that I was born with a very small heart failure and as a child that was just an information and did not make any impact it seemed.

I was always strong and good in sports and never had any serious health problems. But the words I heard at such young age – heart and failure – where prominent in my mind. A young brain takes this information and it stays there. Naturally my focus – without me being aware of it consciously – was on my heart. And I became very sensitive, feeling everything that goes on through my heart -today you would call it being intuitive.

I thought it was my “failure” when my heart was hurt or even broken as it is when we walk through life. Only when I began my spiritual journey and holistic lifestyle, I noticed that this “failure” was actually a blessing. My heart was open. It was and is my guide. And I trust my heart more than my mind. And this open heart – the heart “failure” – is also my creative power house. Creating Healing Hotels. Creating the HEALING SUMMIT. And now The Heart Retreat. This “broken” heart was the engine for never giving up, never leaving the path.

This what I wish for you attending the retreat – an open heart.

Like my friend Marta Hobbs who will be one of the teachers at The Heart Retreat shares: “My soul came knocking one day in a violent panic attack on a Caribbean Island during a family vacation. It was an invitation to the inner journey as I struggled with a sense of identity outside the roles I played for others. “Who was I?” – this question haunted me. The answer could not be found in thinking, reasoning and logic, although I tirelessly tried looking there first. It was time to explore the inner landscapes of myself. And the heart invited me to start feeling, to slow down, get quiet and very still – to simply BE.”

I look forward to meeting you at The Heart Retreat.

Anne Biging
Co-Founder HEALING SUMMIT & Healing Hotels of the World



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