adam rockefeller growald

Adam Rockefeller Growald

Adam Rockefeller Growald is an investor, philosopher and philanthropist whose dream for the world is that all might experience life as a precious and wonderful gift. A systems thinker and human potential optimist, he is committed to creating a joyful, spiritually connected world in which individuals are empowered, communities are connected, and ecosystems are balanced and thriving. As a 5th-generation descendant of business magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Adam comes from a lineage—on both sides of his family—that valued both enterprise and giving back. He now supports organizations that integrate profitability with positive impact as essential and interconnected parts of their model.

Adam has been studying philosophy and wisdom traditions both in and out of the academic system for over a decade, and received his BA in Philosophy from Princeton University. Since his undergraduate study, he has focused on synthesizing insights from traditions of East and West, addressing a deep curiosity about the workings of the universe and our relationship to it—in other words: “Who are we, and what might be possible?” Adam believes that through inquiry into these fundamental questions we can generate a more fulfilling experience for ourselves and a deeper connection to the people and world around us.

Having worked in the past as a management and brand strategy consultant at Bain and Lippincott, Adam now applies philosophical insight to his investing, board service, and advisory work to create paradigm-shifting evolution in business strategy, organizational culture, and interpersonal relationships. Currently, he serves on the boards of the Rockefeller Family Fund (, the Growald Family Fund ( ), and the National Center for Family Philanthropy ( Adam is a member of the NEXUS Global Youth Summit and the Global Philanthropists Circle of Synergos, is a Director of Eleusis, and is an Advisor to and FullCycle.

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